I Am A LGBQ-TGNC+ Affirming Provider
Before I was a psychotherapist, I was a Social Worker with the ethical duty to pursue social justice and fight oppression. To that end, as a Clinical Social Worker providing psychotherapy services to individuals, couples and families, I explicitly affirm Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Gender Queer identities and relationships. I identify as a cisgender, heterosexual male, and do my own work in ongoing training and supervision to monitor and address my own heterosexism and cisgenderism, and recognize my clients' experiences of self and other in our homophobic and transphobic culture as a crucial context to their presenting emotional, mental and relational problems and concerns as well as my clients' resiliency to be able to live in such a hostile and toxic social environment. I actively confront homophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, and cisgenderism located in others (in partners or families) or internalized within individuals.
James is currently waitlisting new clients at this time. To connect to available employees under James's supervision at North Carolina Therapy Professionals or to join James's waitlist, please visit https://www.nctherapists.com/